Wednesday 26 December 2012

FakFil's Quotes of Life...

FakFil's Lesson No 1: You make yourself happier by thinking and telling yourself that you are the most beautiful thing God ever made...
FakFil's Lesson No 2: Try to Fry your shy to dry, for your shyness is a factor to your imminent dryness.
FakFil's Lesson no 3: Live to Fend to Blend the End, Risked through Sheds looked Red in Bends...

Money and Life

There is nothing in this life which can do without money. Talk of food, clothing and shelter-the three basic human needs. A goood number of times, homes have scattered, just because there is not enough money. But the question is, is money everything?
(to be continuede

Monday 24 December 2012

The Christmas Season

The event, "Father Christmas", is an annual religious celebration usually done by the Christians to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. Although the birth of Jesus Christ was certain, the exact date and month were as such unclear. It was assumed that the Israelites in the olden days usually go to their respective home towns for an annual census towars the end of the year. It was also gathered from biblical histories that Jesus Christ was born on his parents' way to his father's hometown. Of course the last month of the year is December. Since there was still about a week to the new year, it was assumed that Jesus' birth should have fallen on the 25th of December.
The boy Jesus was born in a manger, a place where sheep and cattle are being reared. Since Jesus Christ was God, he could have chosen to be born in the house of a rich man like Nicodemus, but he chose such a lowly and uncomely place as the manger. This shows how humble God wants man to be. Jesus has come to the world, through a woman. He was in the human flesh. He was humble. This shows how God would want every human being to have been.
After about a century to Jesus' crucifixion, the church began to celebrate his birth. Then, it was known as Jesus Birthday. Later on, there rose a man from the then Roman Catholic assembly whose name was Christmas Ellas. He, out of love towards what Jesus Christ did for the whole world, decided to be nailed onto a wooden cross in his hometown. His death was marked by the then Catholic assembly, and it became a custom until today.
One way or the other, the Christmas celebration has been linked to Jesus Christ. We just need to understand the history of the celebration so that we do not celebrate on in the dark. If we are marking Jesus' birth, it is okay. But if we are celebration Ellias Christmas' death in the name of Christ, then we are in the dark.
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was born, killed and resurrected again. We should thank God everyday, and not onl;y on December 25th, for giving us Jesus...
By: Temitayor Van Clark FakFil

Sunday 23 December 2012



It's time to voice your dream...
You have another chance to take up your future o,
Voice your dre-e-eam...
You got to stop thinking how and face what the real thing is,
Voice your dream...
No chance is just too small my friend rise up and try your luck,
Voice you dre-e-ea-e-e-eam,
Step on your failures and dare to win...

The future is near ooo,
The present will so go o ooo;
No matter the trend,
Show forth your african best...
And what you conceive ooo,
You'll surely achieve o ooo;
If you dare to win,
The sky is your beginning...
(Yeah) Every black nigger wanna make cool money,
Every biz girl wanna spend cool money-
Cool money is scarce, yet it's simple to earn,
If you only describe your plans through your dream.
(OOO)You have something good you know how to do,
You're bestter for it if you know what it is,
It may be muzik or sport tactics too,
Just find what it is and dream yourself through...

It's time to voice your dream...
You have another chance to take up your future o,
Voice your dre-e-eam...
You got to stop thinking how and face what the real thing is,
Voice your dream...
No chance is just too small my friend rise up and try your luck,
Voice you dre-e-ea-e-e-eam,
Step on your failures and dare to win...

Nothing is new, yeah, under the sky,
And what makes us win is the the passion to try...
Practice on your talent and market yourself,
Listen to your fans and learn to be best...
O my friend, let me give you a treat,
You know what it is, it's the season of wits,
Come on now, listen, stretch forth your ears
And be know by people for what you can do...

It's time to voice your dream...
You have another chance to take up your future o,
Voice your dre-e-eam...
You got to stop thinking how and face what the real thing is,
Voice your dream...
No chance is just too small my friend rise up and try your luck,
Voice you dre-e-ea-e-e-eam,
Step on your failures and dare to win...

You can do it, it may be you'll be the next...

(Modulation)It's time to voice your dream...
You have another chance to take up your future o,
Voice your dre-e-eam...
You got to stop thinking how and face what the real thing is,
Voice your dream...
No chance is just too small my friend rise up and try your luck,
Voice you dre-e-ea-e-e-eam,
Step on your failures and dare to win...

By: Fakunle Philip Temitayo, (a.k.a. Temitayor Van FakFil Clark)

(All rights reserved. Copyright of vanfakfil lyrics, (c)2012.)

Saturday 20 October 2012


(you are who you are and what you are by what you think about yourself)

Life is a very complex thing: it has diverse definitions. It involves all things created by the Almighty - not only the living things, but also the nonliving - which must live and interact together, despite their variance in character. Amongst these creatures are human beings who, although are the same in physical structure, have different ionic characteristics. Ionic characteristics of human beings, as defines by Sir Lord Laborgem, are those traits that emerge mostly when human beings are acting without their minds, that is when they are mostly unconscious. Therefore since human beings are different from one another and since they must all live and interact together, conflicts and fightings cannot but occur.

Human beings are social creatures, just like most of other organisms such as the ants, bees, apes, wild animals and so on, of very finite listing. We are made too social that we can decide who to please, when to please them and by what means we please them. But then, situational occurences have revealed on a very large scale how human beings try to please everyone, forgetting that sovereign fact of the economists that we humans are highly insatiable. Professor Likel Jenkison (1902-1961) said, "You'll give your mind unrest by putting everyone in a state of liking you, for the more they prise your presence, the more they slander your absence". Sir Walter De la'Maire also said, "Please everyone and please no one". The question is, "how then do we go about this life, pleasing everyone and hurting no one?"

Imagine yourself existing in a world of your own, gettiing to meet another person in a world of his/her own. Both of you decide to come together in a bigger world-world of our own. Since no one is perfect, you cannot by any means do without hurting the feelings one of another, probably by liking different things. Nevertheless, as long as your mind tells you that you are on the right path, you just have to be yourself and believe in yourself. That friend of yours will get to reason with you as the days go by. But if you ever falter on your own will to do the right and take up the wrong piece of advice, your friend will be the first person to put the blame on you.

Remeber, you cannot please everyone, according to the adage which says that what faces you surely backsides someone else. Therefore, be yourself and just believe in yourself. Take advice, but be concrete , solid and resolute in your decision, and get all the necessary feedbacks to boost the amplitude and the modulation of your input, the resultant of which will be an exponentially solved output! Be yourself and do the right. Though everyone around you do not see things the way you do, stand on your toes. What goes aroumd comes around. Work on your dreams, and achieve. You are where you are because of your past decisions, and not because of what someone else decided for you-that's why we are humans. Whatever you do today is a reflection of what you have done in the past and a refraction of what you are going to do in the nearest future. Therefore, live to fend to blend the end! Set rules for yorself and trust in God and in yourself. You are who you are and what you are by what you think and not your feelings.

Just be yourself.

Piece written by: van fakfil clark.FACEBOOK.COM

Friday 22 June 2012


Every action and activity in which man engages are very effective on his life-either constructive or destructive.
Every obstacles man comes across is neither constructive nor destructive to his life. If he ovewrcomes the obstacle, it only opens the door for more of complex obstacles to find their ways in, and if he does not overcome the obstacle, he remains in his wretched disposition until GOD-KNOWS-WHEN.
Obstacles are the challenges that come the way of an individual, that pose like a big mountain and create fear and fright within him, and use the instilled fright as a tool to oppose him from reaching his goal.
These obstacles come in different forms for different people. For a student, it may be financial. For a government policy. For a church or a mosque, it may be Satan. These are few samples of the forms in which obstacles may appear, and most of the time, we are the ones responsible for their access to our lives.
(To be continued)

Tuesday 10 January 2012

TACKLING CORRUPTION IN NIGERIA: Corruption is an economic disease which uninvitedly penetrates a society as a result of ready minds wanting to get rich quickly. It's usually a gross product of poverty. If we're to place an average Nigerian on a test of leadership over a society for a particular period of time,he is sure t ghastly fall and fail because of what he is possibly going to do. No one can totally excuse himself from the guilt of corruption,for as it is,it is deadlier than any poisons ever known. Corruption,being a silent killer,slowly kills the human conscience to total silence. A man without a conscience is as good as dead. When corruption is being made mention of,many minds race down the lane of employments versus bribery,thinking straight towards an economic tool (money). This is virtually a sarcastical error as corruption comes in different forms and by different means. The Nigerian security,agricultural sector,educational system,health care sector,information sector,legistlative sector amongst others are the primary stages of corruption while the general masses are no exception to the matter. It comes through bribery,request for sexual intercourse in exchange for helps and offers,banks diverting some minute amount of money from different accounts to a separate one,lecturers aiding students out because of sentimental attachments and gains,and the list unending. It would hence be clearly figured out at this junction,that no one can possible claim to know all about corruption,nor ignorance of the reality of the concept. Ask a child on an errand and watch him refuse. Promise him a cup of tea on his return and check his reaction. Send him such errands in subsequent times and see what he's going to do. It's in the blood,in the system. The problem is that it cannot be totally eradicated,for whilst some individuals and groups of people are busy finding out how to build a mast,others are looking for the fall of the builders. However,it is possible to control corruption. This can be achieved by individuals deliberately putting up ideas,which will be brought together and reviewed by fellow concerned Nigerians with some sense of responsibility. Together we stand,divided we fall. Two heads are better than one. Let's all work together to make this country a corrupt free one,and we'll live to see brighter days and more.